——creativity never goes out of style——

DIY Heart Patterned Jeans

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I heart these jeans! (get it…. heart=love. See what I did there?). These pants were the perfect addition to Valentines Day this year! I was organizing my closet and I came across an old pair of skinny jeans that were looking a little too loved. I was considering recoloring them but then my love for polka dots took over! What’s cuter than polka dots? Heart polka dots! Hearta dots? Anyways…. I couldn’t justify buying such a trendy item so I ended up DIYing them myself. Surprised?! I created my own fabric paint because I also didn’t want to spend extra money on fabric paint when I could use supplies that I already had. You can use denim jeans or any colored pants that you want to transform. The lighter the pant the more subtle the pattern depending how fashionable you are feeling. Using pastel colored pants would be soooo cute for spring!

You will need:

  • Jeans of your choice
  • Gel medium (found at most craft stores)
  • Acrylic Craft Paint
  • Paint brush or stencil sponge
  • Cardboard or Plastic Sheet (forgot to put in the picture)


1. Cut out two hearts side by side on heavy cardboard or a plastic sheet to use as a reference for spacing between the hearts. The pattern doesn’t need to be perfect so don’t stress. SIDENOTE:I realized that a small heart scrapbooking punch would have worked AMAZING compared to hand drawing and cutting out too similar hearts. My mom dumbs still get in the way of my cognitive thinking some days.

2. Mix roughly 2 parts paint to 1 part gel medium. You could skip this step but the paint would end up very crunchy and most likely would flake off. The medium makes the paint softer.

3. Start stencilling! If you are not feeling confident than start on the bottom of the jeans at the back to get a feel for the process!


Thats all! Let them dry overnight and you can wash them like normal. You could do simple polka dots instead of hearts (my polka dot sweater tutorial will be coming soon) and with different material colors and paint colors the possibilities are vast! In less than an hour you can have a new pair of pants for next to nothing!! Oh how I heart this DIY project!


I want to die with my blue jeans on. ~ Andy Warhol

Author: Domestic Ingenuity

I am a DIY-ing, crafting, thrifting, baking, sewing, cooking, deal-loving gal with too much energy and a love for creating.

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